"The idea of a public school monopoly is dead. It needs to be relegated to the Smithsonian because we are going to be in competition with other people." U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige
The P R O B L E M

"The current preparation that students in the United States receive in mathematics and science is, in a word, unacceptable." Before It's Too Late: A Report to the Nation from the National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century.

"More than a third of students failed to score even at the basic level for math and science achievement. One-quarter of all math and science teachers do not have a minor, let alone major, in either subject." Astronaut and former U.S. Senator John Glenn quoting the National Assessment for Educational Progress

"What we are facing is nothing less than an educational catastrophe, with 37 percent of fourth graders unable to read. The statistics get even grimmer when broken down by economic and racial groups. Sixty-three percent of African-American fourth graders are functionally illiterate, as are 60 percent of poor children." Arianna Huffington

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